Meike Hardt

Design and Research


Hardt, M., Cila, N., Desmet, P. (2024). love. The Forgotten Dimension for Just and Democratic AI Futures. In: Design Research Society Proceedings. Boston

Hardt, M. (2022). Designing with Algorithms—Reflections on the Book Design. In: Dörrenbächer, J., Hassenzahl, M., Neuhaus, R., Ringfort-Felner, R. Meaningful Futures with Robots—About the Design of a New Coexistence with Machines. Taylor and Francis.

Elzenbaumer, B., Hardt, M. (2022). Ci concimiamo a vicenda, Building support structures as part of design practice. In: Mareis, M., Greiner-Petter, M., Renner, M. Critical by Design? Genealogies, Practices, Positions. Transcript. →here

Förster, M., Hardt, M. (2022). Critical By Design? The book's design as SF figures. In: Mareis, M., Greiner-Petter, M., Renner, M. Critical by Design? Genealogies, Practices, Positions, Transcript. →here

Hardt, M. (2015). Datenspuren: Data Traces: Big Data in the Context of Culture & Society. Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures, Academy of Art and Design (FHNW) in cooperation with Haus der Elektronischen Künste Basel (HeK). →here


love. The Forgotten Dimension for Just and Democratic AI Futures. DRS Design Research Society Conference, Boston. (2024) →here

Learning from a Care Perspective for the Design of Contestable AI in Public Spheres. SPT, The 23rd Biennial Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology in Tokyo. (2023)

Let’s design with Monsters. An attempt for interconnected (Design) Practices. Master Studio, FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel. (2021)

Socially engaged design practice—a dilemma?. Werkstatt Gesellschaft at FH Aachen, University of Applied Science. (2020)


World-making with love!? A collective and open Manifesto for Just and Democratic AI Futures. DRS Design Research Society Conference, Boston. (2024)

World-making with love!? A collective and open Manifesto for Just and Pluralistic AI Futures. Design & AI Symposium, Technische Universität Delft. (2023)

Care-full AI Futures. Dutch Design Week Eindhoven. Collaboration with Karin Bogdanova. (2023)

Packing and unpacking care and love for alternative social-technical collective infrastructures. Hackers & Designers Summer School in Amsterdam. (2023)

Rehearsing interconnected design practice. Collaboration with RIBL (Research Institute of Botanical Linguistics). Attending (to) Futures Conference. Technology Arts Science, TH Köln. (2021) →here

Cross-Species Surviving. Collaboration with RIBL. Master Studio, FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel. (2021)

Cross-Species Surviving. Collaboration with RIBL. Neuhaus Curriculum at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam. (2019)

All too human. A dinner workshop. Collaboration with RIBL. Hackers&Designers Summer School in Amsterdam. (2018)

Living things out. Collaboration with Martin Sonderkamp and Darko Dragicevic. Y-Institut, Bern University for Arts (2017)

CONFERENCES (Research, coordination, co-moderation, co-organization)

Critical by Design? The Potentials and Limitations of Materialized Critique. Academy of Art and Design in Basel. (2018) →here

Multi Multi online symposium. Collaboration with RIBL. (2020)

Meike Hardt (she/her) is a multidisciplinary designer and a researcher. She is interested in the political dimension of design and is researching about love as political and critical perspective for alternative and democratic design and AI practices. She works as an affiliated researcher at AI DeMosLab and in the Human-Computer Design department at Delft University of Technology since 2022. Furthermore, she was involved as a researcher and coordinator in the project “Critical by Design?” at the Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM), FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel from 2017 to 2021. Since 2017, she is part of the design collective RIBL, the Research Institute of Botanical Linguistics, questioning human-centered knowledge politics in design. From 2016 to 2020, she was cofounder of the Graphic Design Studio m—d—bureau in Zurich, and from 2014 to 2017, she worked as an assistant and teacher at the MA Design department of the Bern University for Arts.

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